Latest resources and home of CLA 4.0

“The CLA of the Book” offers the reader a book review system designed to uncover the deeper layers of meaning within the texts we read. By employing Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), this innovative approach goes beyond traditional reviews to explore the underlying narratives, worldviews, and metaphors that shape our understanding of literature.

From the Blog of Luke Scherck. Luke reCaps a recent meeeting of the KZF Futures Community that discusses “Causal Layered Analysis in focus: Review of the KZF community event #3. “ While the presentation is in German the accompanying text is in english; both are well worth the time to view .

An Article by Phyllis Araneo in the World Futures Review explores the wild and wonderful visual world of iconic imagery including current day memes, acronyms, emojis and other common forms of visual communication. The study reviews a range of visual examples and their meanings beginning with the Renaissance through to futures and asks the questions Does imagery have an effect on reality? Can imagery be engineered to have a desired effect 

In James Balzers insightful article he uses Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) incasting and the Futures Triangle*, to identify and analyse the status of extreme heat governance in Sydney, and to map a preferred future for heat governance and explores the barriers to achieve this preferred future.

*Both CLA and Futures Triangle have upcoming edited editions in the works; to submitt an article to the editions or have your research featured on this site contact

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CLA there is a Simple Explaination!
 In this video Charlotte explain CLA in 3 mins!

Charlotte Kemp is a Futures Alchemist, keynote speaker and author.