“The CLA of the Book” offers the reader a book review system designed to uncover the deeper layers of meaning within the texts we read. By employing Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), this innovative approach goes beyond traditional reviews to explore the underlying narratives, worldviews, and metaphors that shape our understanding of literature. Perfect for avid readers and critical thinkers, “The CLA of the Book” offers a multidimensional exploration of books, revealing not just what a story says but how it resonates within the broader cultural and philosophical contexts. Discover a richer reading experience with every review.

CLA of The End of the Cow and Other Emerging Issues

The End of the Cow and Other Emerging Issues” by Metafuture is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the transformative trends that will shape our future. While not a book in the strict sense, the collection of reports from selected domains provides a structure that brings the reader through the text in a logical and easy-to-read format. With practical insights and clear methodology, it serves as a tool for futurists, policymakers, and anyone looking to engage with the future proactively. The booklet is organized into five domains, each presenting a critical perspective on the future of global systems: the anticipatory city, Disrupting the Cow, Women Lead the Way, The Changing Family, and Learning Anytime, Anywhere with Anyone.


    • The book introduces transformative trends that will shape the future across various domains.

    • Key focus areas include urban environments, food production, gender equality, family dynamics, and education.

    • The content is designed to be accessible and practical for futurists, policymakers, and proactive individuals.

Systemic Causes:

    • The book uses Emerging Issues Analysis (EIA) as a foresight tool to anticipate trends by analyzing weak signals and emerging patterns.

    • It emphasizes disrupting current paradigms and destabilizing stakeholders to shift focus towards the future.

    • The book discusses systemic shifts, such as the adoption of cellular agriculture, the rise of anticipatory cities, and the evolution of learning models.


    • The book presents a future-oriented worldview that values proactive engagement with emerging trends.

    • It emphasizes the importance of citizen participation in shaping democratic urban environments and advocates for gender equality in leadership.

    • The book encourages a shift in perspective towards seeing families as dynamic and adaptable units, influenced by technology and societal changes.

    • Education is viewed as an evolving, personalized process that can be accessible anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.


    • The “End of the Cow” symbolizes the disruption of traditional practices and industries, particularly in food production.

    • The “Anticipatory City” metaphor represents the future of urban living, where proactive governance and technology-driven solutions lead the way.

    • “Women Lead the Way” reflects a growing acknowledgment of women’s roles in shaping a more equitable future.

    • The “Changing Family” metaphor indicates the fluidity and adaptability of family structures in response to technological and societal shifts.

    • “Learning Anytime, Anywhere, with Anyone” illustrates the democratization and personalization of education in a globalized world.


The End of the Cow and Other Emerging Issues serves as an essential resource for understanding the key trends that will shape the future across multiple domains. Organized into five distinct sections—Anticipatory City, Disrupting the Cow, Women Lead the Way, The Changing Family, and Learning Anytime, Anywhere with Anyone—the book offers a structured and accessible format that combines key messages, emerging signals, and actionable insights. By utilizing Emerging Issues Analysis (EIA) and focusing on weak signals and paradigms shifts, the book equips readers with the foresight needed to navigate and influence future developments. Through its practical insights and rigorous methodology, it is a powerful tool for futurists, policymakers, and anyone committed to proactively engaging with the future. This book is a must-read for those serious about preparing for the transformative trends ahead.

CLA of the Book: Leadership by Algorithm: Who Leads and Who Follows in the AI Era

“Leadership by Algorithm: Who Leads and Who Follows in the AI Era?” by David De Cremer is a timely and instructive exploration of how artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining leadership and transforming organizational culture. De Cremer investigates the profound shift from traditional, human-centered leadership to roles increasingly influenced by algorithm-driven decision-making. This book critically examines the tensions between AI in leadership—its potential to boost efficiency and innovation, contrasted with the very real risk of dehumanization. Through academic research, case studies, and deep theoretical insights, De Cremer advocates for a balanced approach where AI and human leadership coexist, urging the integration of ethical principles and the safeguarding of human values in an automated future.



    1. Business leaders feel less responsible for the decisions and actions they must take in a data-driven environment.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 3 – “The Illusion of Responsibility”

    1. AI technology is relied upon to handle ethical concerns.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 5 – “Ethics and AI: A Technical Fix?”

    1. Responsible leadership is perceived to be slipping with the introduction of AI in organizations.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 7 – “Leadership in the Age of AI”

Systemic Causes

    1. Technology leaders promote a narrative that sees technology as primary and humans as secondary.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 2 – “The Technology-First Mindset”

    1. Business leaders emulate the mindset of technology leaders.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 4 – “Emulating Technological Leadership”

    1. Ethical business practices are transformed into technical competencies rather than human leadership abilities.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 6 – “The Transformation of Ethics”


    1. The dominant idea is that technology first leads business leaders to find solutions with machines rather than focusing on humane leadership.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 8 – “Technology-Driven Solutions”

    1. AI advancements are expected to surpass human intelligence, potentially leading to a loss of human superpowers like empathy, creativity, and imagination.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 10 – “The Superpowers We Risk Losing”

    1. Leadership in the AI era requires better training focused on people’s needs and uncertainties.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 12 – “Training Leaders for the AI Era”


    1. Machine as a solution: The use of AI in organizations is seen as a means to fix ethical and operational issues.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 9 – “The Machine as a Fixer”

    1. Employees are treated like machines: This leads to a dehumanized work environment.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 11 – “The Dehumanization of Work”

    1. AI as the coach: Instructs workers on empathy, but it fails to address the root causes of inhumane work conditions.
      Related Chapter: Chapter 13 – “Coaching Empathy with AI”

 Final thoughts

“Leadership by Algorithm: Who Leads and Who Follows in the AI Era” by David De Cremer identifies the problems on the horizon impacting the future of leadership worldwide that is increasingly disrupted by artificial intelligence. His book explores the tension between human leadership qualities—like empathy, ethics, and strategic thinking—and the capabilities of AI. De Cremer poses questions and offers insights into whether AI can ever truly replace human leaders or the more likely scenario that requires the redefinition of leadership itself. The book highlights the emerging tensions between man and machine, emphasizing the importance of developing leadership qualities that reflect the current and future leadership environment. In the end, it suggests that AI will play a significant role; it is the human leaders who must adapt and become algorithm-literate to lead effectively in the AI era.