CLA 3.0 Thirty Years of Transformative Research and Practice

The first CLA Reader was published in 2004 and covered articles on causal layered analysis from 1994-2004. CLA 2.0 followed suit in 2015 focusing on new applications in theory and methodology. CLA 3.0 celebrates the last thirty years of theory and practice; innovation and application.

In this volume, authors investigate varied topics such as conflict, education and learning, environment and sustainability, economy and society, city, and science and technology.  The book consists of twenty-six chapters written by forty-seven authors. Chapter titles include:

  • Causal Layered Analysis: Theory, Conceptual Framework and Methods
  • Living Between Myth and Metaphor
  • Russian Aggression against Ukraine: Past, Present, and Futures
  • Australian Riot:  Causal Layered Analysis for Conflict Resolution
  • School District Leaders as Agents of Equity and Public Education Futures
  • Self-Writing: A Causal Layered Analysis Prospective on the Learning Identity Framework
  • Causal Layered Analysis of Construction Labour Productivity in Developing Countries
  • Applying Futures Based Frameworks for Emerging Sector Investments
  • Futures Impacts of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Transforming its Cities to Carbon Negative Arcologies
  • Insights from a Causal Layered Analysis of “Isfahan 2040”
  • Understanding the Futures of Science
  • Not Organic Gardening or Rocket Science: New Metaphors (and a Politics) for Geoengineered Imaginaries

Authors include:

Along with chapters by the editors, Sohail Inayatullah, Ralph Mercer, Ivana Milojević, and John Sweeney, contributing authors include Paula Adalyiza, Oluseyi Julius Adebowale, Justus Ngala Agumba, Noorah Alhasan, Kasturi Behari-Leak, Vitor Bruno, Marcus Bussey, Nalini Chitanand, Russell Clemens, Joseph Corneli, Adam Cowart, Phillip Daffara, Mohsen Taheri Damneh,  Charles J. Danoff, Zabrina Epps, Elissa Farrow, Nele Fischer, Rieta Ganas, Sirkka Heinonen, Jeanne Hoffman,  Marcelle Holdaway, Patricia Iribarne, Sterling Jackson, Alireza Karimi, Camila López-Echagüe,  Sanna Ketonen-Oksi, Marila Lázaro, Konstantin Marquardt, Matti Minkkinen, Alex Murphy, Maryam Ebadi Nejad, Edward Niedbalski,  Marjukka Parkkinen, Charlotte Pierce,  Raymond S. Puzio, Chris Riedy, Dominique Rumeau, Colin Russo,  Siya Sabata, Peter Scupelli, Petro Sukhorolskyi, Veli Virmajoki, Leo Vivier, and Ali Zackery.

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